The Whale, a new Norwegian marine wildlife museum, selects Ralph Appelbaum Associates to lead its exhibition design
A new marine wildlife museum on a remote island in Norway will feature interiors from one of the architecture’s most significant exhibition designers after Ralph Appelbaum Associates emerged as the winner of an international competition. Located in the Artic Circle town of Andøya island and slated to open in 2027, The Whale is a new space dedicated to conservation and scientific education and designed by Danish heavyweights Dorte Mandrup. The museum will host exhibitions and several outdoor viewing areas, united by an undulating linear glass-enclosed canopy. Tim Ventimiglia, the firm's Berlin director, says, "Our contribution will be to create a unique visitor experience on this place that is centered around the goal of an empathetic encounter between humans and whales."Read the full post on Bustler

A new marine wildlife museum on a remote island in Norway will feature interiors from one of the architecture’s most significant exhibition designers after Ralph Appelbaum Associates emerged as the winner of an international competition. Located in the Artic Circle town of Andøya island and slated to open in 2027, The Whale is a new space dedicated to conservation and scientific education and designed by Danish heavyweights Dorte Mandrup. The museum will host exhibitions and several outdoor viewing areas, united by an undulating linear glass-enclosed canopy. Tim Ventimiglia, the firm's Berlin director, says, "Our contribution will be to create a unique visitor experience on this place that is centered around the goal of an empathetic encounter between humans and whales."Read the full post on Bustler