Triumfalnaya Square / Buromoscow

Triumfalnaya square is located at the crossing of Moscow’s main street Tverskaya with the Garden Ring. Buromoscow design has been chosen as a result of a first open competition for a public square in Moscow in 2013. The competition aimed at bringing back to life city square by Soviet architect Chechulin built in 1958, that in the last years became a transit space, half occupied by parking. Buromoscow proposed 5 steps for improvement:

Triumfalnaya Square / Buromoscow
© Vlad Feoktistov © Vlad Feoktistov
  • architects: Buromoscow
  • Location: Moscow, Russia
  • Project Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Vlad Feoktistov
  • Photographs:
  • Area: 13740.0 m2

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