USGBC launches new indoor environmental quality guidance in response to COVID-19
As the nationwide effort to reopen American businesses, universities, and other facilities gets underway, the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) has launched a new set of guidelines and metrics for ensuring that these re-opening activities "leverage LEED" expertise to "support buildings and communities in a post-pandemic world." According to USGCB, "The strategy is guided by the idea that prioritizing the health of people, communities and the planet is the fastest way to rebuild a healthier, more sustainable economy." As part of the group's new "economic recovery strategy" guidance for post-COVID-19 re-occupation, USGBC offers four new LEED credits tied to retrofitting existing spaces for post-pandemic use and adaptation. The credits touch on the topics of cleaning and disinfecting, indoor air quality, water systems, and general re-occupancy.

As the nationwide effort to reopen American businesses, universities, and other facilities gets underway, the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) has launched a new set of guidelines and metrics for ensuring that these re-opening activities "leverage LEED" expertise to "support buildings and communities in a post-pandemic world."
According to USGCB, "The strategy is guided by the idea that prioritizing the health of people, communities and the planet is the fastest way to rebuild a healthier, more sustainable economy."
As part of the group's new "economic recovery strategy" guidance for post-COVID-19 re-occupation, USGBC offers four new LEED credits tied to retrofitting existing spaces for post-pandemic use and adaptation.
The credits touch on the topics of cleaning and disinfecting, indoor air quality, water systems, and general re-occupancy.