UVA School of Architecture seeking Assistant Professor, Virginia Architecture Fellowship (Non-Tenure Track, General Faculty) in Charlottesville, VA, US
The University of Virginia School of Architecture (www.arch.virginia.edu) is excited to announce the inaugural Virginia Architecture Fellowship. The fellowship will be awarded to an emerging designer practitioner or educator with promising design experience across scales and typologies. The Virginia Architecture Fellow will join the faculty as a full-time Assistant Professor, General Faculty to develop a 1-year creative research project and pedagogy at the University of Virginia. While the fellowship is awarded on an annual or semi-annual basis, successful fellows are eligible to have their appointments renewed for a second year at the rank of Assistant Professor, General Faculty upon review of their teaching, research, and creative practice. We invite submissions of compelling design experience and project proposals to be reviewed by a faculty jury and invited for remote interviews. We are looking for exceptional design teaching capacity, compelling research proposals, and collabor...

The University of Virginia School of Architecture (www.arch.virginia.edu) is excited to announce the inaugural Virginia Architecture Fellowship. The fellowship will be awarded to an emerging designer practitioner or educator with promising design experience across scales and typologies. The Virginia Architecture Fellow will join the faculty as a full-time Assistant Professor, General Faculty to develop a 1-year creative research project and pedagogy at the University of Virginia. While the fellowship is awarded on an annual or semi-annual basis, successful fellows are eligible to have their appointments renewed for a second year at the rank of Assistant Professor, General Faculty upon review of their teaching, research, and creative practice. We invite submissions of compelling design experience and project proposals to be reviewed by a faculty jury and invited for remote interviews. We are looking for exceptional design teaching capacity, compelling research proposals, and collabor...