Vyshyto House / Makhno Studio

The Ukrainian authenticity encoded with the contemporary design and architecture — frequent requests from our clients. We believe that respect for the past is the guarantee of a conscious future. The MAKHNO Studio shares this philosophy, so in the Vyshyto house we tried to reveal the Ukrainian ethnicity once again. Maintain a balance between national self-perfection and modern visual solutions. Create our own unique ornament. In this house intertwined the significance of MAKHNO Studio's contemporary Ukrainian style, the past and the present, and what is very important – the energy of clients, like the ornament on the central case, that repeats throughout the whole house, and the hanging iconic Khmara lamps create the illusion of a sky-like atmosphere. Vyshyto is a home for a large Ukrainian family with a father, mother and four children. The family cherishes the national heritage, so they wanted to see it firmly woven into the DNA of their future home. This becomes clear when first acquainted with the house.

Vyshyto House / Makhno Studio
© Yevhenii Avramenko © Yevhenii Avramenko

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