Woven Passage to Cloudy Peaks & Sky Ring / line+ studio

Xiayanbei Village, situated on the eastern Zhejiang mountain ridge within the 19 Peaks Scenic Area, is becoming a popular destination for outdoor travel. The " Woven Passage to Cloudy Peaks " and " Sky Ring " are part of the initial phase of the scenic area's enhancement project. These installations aim to address typical challenges in rural development—such as limited funding, land scarcity, and homogeneity—while establishing a unique identity. The design strategy combines localization (grounded) and differentiation (elevated) to serve as both the scenic area's entrance and a landmark, capturing the village's cultural essence and natural beauty while introducing new daily experiences for villagers and visitors alike.

Woven Passage to Cloudy Peaks & Sky Ring / line+ studio
© Arch-Exist Photography © Arch-Exist Photography

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