Dique 2A Berria Housing Renovation / Behark

Located in a small hill next to the estuary of Bilbao, in the riverfront of Olabeaga’s quarter, close to the city centre, 2A Dique street old building was in its origins a two stories farmhouse, that was subsequently converted into a collective household with the addition of three stories more. These very small dwellings were laid out around a tiny compensated staircase, which made its accessibility very difficult. The problem was aggravated with the location of the building in a steep slope, which has a great elevation difference with the street. Besides the housing units lacked insulation or any heating system. All this circumstances, combined with the age of some of the dwellers, make the efficient refurbishment of the building very recommendable. A plan was elaborated and presented to various public institutions in order to obtain aids for the financing of the works.

Dique 2A Berria Housing Renovation / Behark
© Pedro Pegenaute © Pedro Pegenaute
  • architects: Behark
  • Location: Olabeaga, Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain
  • Project Year: 2016
  • Photographs: Pedro Pegenaute
  • Area: 12916 ft2

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