Graham Foundation Announces 2020 Organization Grant Recipients

This year the Graham Foundation has announced 36 international organizations as recipients of this year's grants. According to the foundation, selected projects were chosen thanks to their ability to "respond to today's challenges, foster new connections across disciplines, and expand the field of architecture." The annual Graham Foundation grant announcements provide individuals and organizations the opportunity to pursue and investigate an array of architectural topics. This year's grant recipients include editorial projects from publications and student-led journals like UCLA's Architecture and Urban Design student publication, POOL, and RICE University's student-led publication, PLAT, amongst others. Exhibitions, public programs, and media projects like the Architecture Lobby's JustDesign initiative, which Archinect has partnered on, were also selected as grant recipients.  Image: Rodrigo Ortize Monasterio, "Magnolia 38, San angel, Districo Federal, Estancia," 1976-79. Courtesy ...

Graham Foundation Announces 2020 Organization Grant Recipients

This year the Graham Foundation has announced 36 international organizations as recipients of this year's grants. According to the foundation, selected projects were chosen thanks to their ability to "respond to today's challenges, foster new connections across disciplines, and expand the field of architecture."

The annual Graham Foundation grant announcements provide individuals and organizations the opportunity to pursue and investigate an array of architectural topics. This year's grant recipients include editorial projects from publications and student-led journals like UCLA's Architecture and Urban Design student publication, POOL, and RICE University's student-led publication, PLAT, amongst others. Exhibitions, public programs, and media projects like the Architecture Lobby's JustDesign initiative, which Archinect has partnered on, were also selected as grant recipients. 

Image: Rodrigo Ortize Monasterio, "Magnolia 38, San angel, Districo Federal, Estancia," 1976-79. Courtesy ...