How to Choose the Right Type of Pendant Light: Examples and Inspiration

With walls and ceilings a long way away, often the most practical way to control the placement of a light source and the positioning of light, is to drop it into the exact position where it’s required, with a pendant light.

How to Choose the Right Type of Pendant Light: Examples and Inspiration
Dice by Seer. Image © Seer Dice by Seer. Image © Seer

With walls and ceilings a long way away, often the most practical way to control the placement of a light source and the positioning of light, is to drop it into the exact position where it’s required, with a pendant light.

Even designer pendant lighting can be as simple or as complex as the project’s parameters call for. From the most intricate sculptures of glass or mechanical puppetry to a single bulb on a cord, here are seven types of pendant light, and the purposes and projects for which they’re best suited:

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