Maharishi Valmiki International Airport / STHAPATI

In the heart of India, the newly unveiled Ayodhya Airport isn't just a transportation hub; it's a living testament to the nation's cultural richness. Departing from the conventional glass box architecture, each facet of the airport, from its towering roof to the intricate columns, has a historical and spiritual significance. The airport's architecture weaves together history, tradition, sustainable practices, and mythological stories —a deliberate departure from minimalism and the coming together of cultural expression and modern innovation.

Maharishi Valmiki International Airport / STHAPATI
© Noughts & Crosses LLP © Noughts & Crosses LLP
  • architects: STHAPATI
  • Location: Ayodhya, India
  • Project Year: 2024
  • Photographs: Noughts & Crosses LLP
  • Area: 8000.0 m2

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