New Village Care Residence / DoepelStrijkers

Siza was our client of the first new building for the so-called Nieuwe Dorp. We won a pitch 3 years ago in which they asked for the solution for a building with a disruptive solution for a caring environment. It should include 36 care homes and a large academy in which innovations in care could be tested in order to keep updating the 36 homes. The existing village, in which Mies Bouwman guided the famous fundraising campaign via TV, was built by Van de Broek and Bakema and no longer met the demand. Too low, too small, and also outdated in terms of required technology. She wanted a learning environment that prepared the temporary users of the village for a return to their own familiar living environment as soon as possible.

New Village Care Residence / DoepelStrijkers
© APA foto © APA foto
  • architects: DoepelStrijkers
  • Location: Arnhem, The Netherlands
  • Project Year: 2020
  • Photographs: APA foto
  • Photographs: DoepelStrijkers
  • Area: 5000.0 m2

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