Piazza Tevere

Roma, ItalyBallman KhapalovaUrban Design, Garden + Terrace, Landscape Architecturein collaboration with Kristin Jones/Eternal TiberBetween the Ponte Giuseppe Mazzini and the Ponte Sisto there is a section of the Tiber River that is perfectly rectangular. It is the same size and proportion as the Circus Maximus, and like the Circus Maximus, this section of the river can become a vital center for public life in Rome:  the new Piazza Tevere. Inspired by Michelangelo’s cornice at the Palazzo Farnese, the creation of an inhabitable cornice... (continued)

Piazza Tevere

Roma, Italy
Ballman Khapalova
Urban Design, Garden + Terrace, Landscape Architecture
in collaboration with Kristin Jones/Eternal Tiber

Between the Ponte Giuseppe Mazzini and the Ponte Sisto there is a section of the Tiber River that is perfectly rectangular. It is the same size and proportion as the Circus Maximus, and like the Circus Maximus, this section of the river can become a vital center for public life in Rome:  the new Piazza Tevere.

Inspired by Michelangelo’s cornice at the Palazzo Farnese, the creation of an inhabitable cornice... (continued)