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Precht designs Parc de la Distance for outdoor social d...
Austria-based studio Precht has designed a maze-like park divided by high hedge...
VDF collaborates with Tokyo architecture YouTuber Marti...
Today Virtual Design Festival teams up with Dutch architect Martin Vermeulen of...
Daily coronavirus architecture and design briefing: 16 ...
Daily coronavirus briefing: today's architecture and design coronavirus briefin...
Tokujin Yoshioka shares three-step template for emergen...
Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka has created a quick and easy face shield for...
How Artificial Intelligence Will Shape Design by 2050
Artificial intelligence is transforming how we design and build. By 2050, the ef...
Aranya Art Center / Neri&Hu Design and Research Office
When enlightened developer Aranya asked Neri&Hu to design an art center inside t...
THAD and Sutherland Hussey Harris Design the National B...
Located in Kunming, the city of “Three Mountains, One Lake”, the National Botani...
Casa K by Giuseppe Gurrieri
This inspiring retreat situated in Ragusa, Italy, has been designed in 2018 by G...
The “cul-de-sac” Residence / Chathurika Kulasinghe - Ar...
The Client is a young couple with a tight budget, keen on making a home for them...
Wicker Vitality
Next to the Dubrovka metro station, ADM has designed a Vitality housing complex ...
"Some comics have been more nuanced about modern archit...
Two new graphic novels, which a Le Corbusier figure makes an appearance in, dep...
The Sile House in the Beach Town of Jesolo Lido, Italy ...
The Sile House is part of a nine single-family residences in the beach town of J...
Australia Withdraws from the 2020 Venice Biennale
The Australian Institute of Architects has announced it will no longer participa...
200 by Mide Architetti
Located in Stra, Italy, this concrete single-story house has been designed by Mi...
Timothee Mercier transforms rural French farm building ...
Architect Timothee Mercier of Studio XM has converted a ruined farm building in...
Turn Your Architectural Concepts Into an Online Reality
What size is this room? What is the view from the meeting room like? What would ...
Rearrange, Paint, Cultivate: Brightening Up Your Home W...
As cities around the world go on lockdown in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, ...