Stiletto House / EHKA Studio

Inspired by the beauty of free-flowing curves, Seaview House is a fusion of sculpture and building, a blending of form and function to create living spaces that inspire. It embraces traditional concepts of tropical architecture while reinterpreting them in contemporary forms. It explores what a house could be like for an avid collector of antiques and ultra modern furniture, a house that displays and becomes a display itself. Sensual curves are deployed throughout the house, from the building to the landscaping and ground-scape, to the staircases and curved glass railings, to the edging soffit details and corrugated perforated metal sheets, and even to the interior cabinetries, furniture and fitting out accessories. At each scale of the project, from the building form to the details, there is a pursuit of sensuality of form. 

Stiletto House / EHKA Studio
© Studio Periphery © Studio Periphery

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