Tips For Saving Money On A New HVAC System | Ultimate Guide

Upgrading heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems before summer or winter will allow you to save more than if you bought them during peak season. Also, check for manufacturer rebates along with state and local utility companies to save maximum money. On average, HVAC systems last a good 15 to 20 years. Thereafter, replacing your […]

Tips For Saving Money On A New HVAC System | Ultimate Guide

Upgrading heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems before summer or winter will allow you to save more than if you bought them during peak season. Also, check for manufacturer rebates along with state and local utility companies to save maximum money.

On average, HVAC systems last a good 15 to 20 years. Thereafter, replacing your air conditioner is a sound decision because old HVAC equipment draws in more power, resulting in higher utility bills.

Using a new heating and cooling system sure is a major expense, but there are a few ways you can save money. Follow the tips mentioned in this guide to save a few dollars on your new HVAC equipment.

When Should You Replace Your HVAC System?

When Should You Replace Your HVAC System

Unless an HVAC system breaks down completely, most homeowners don’t even think of replacing them. Although you may want to keep your HVAC unit running as long as possible, you will probably have to replace it at some point or the other.

If you’re on the fence about whether you should replace your HVAC system, refer to the Energy Star ratings to find out the right time to upgrade your heating and cooling system.

Like, your AC needs to be repaired if the air filter is filthy and prevents airflow into the space. Conversely, a malfunctioning thermostat or an AC that fails to adjust to your set temperature is a sure sign that it needs to be upgraded.

That said, here’s a quick rundown of the signs that indicate it’s time to dispose of your old HVAC system.

1. Unusual Smells

A properly functioning HVAC unit wouldn’t emit unusual odors– so if your AC emits unusual smell, it’s a tell-tale sign that the system is on the fritz. Besides dust burning off, mold in the duct (flow) or wiring melting away could be the reason behind odd smells. 

2. High Energy Bills

Seasonal changes in home energy bills are common, but high energy bills all-year round is another sign that indicates it’s time to repair or replace your home’s HVAC system. With regular usage, ACs tend to lose their efficiency, especially if they aren’t serviced once or twice a year. 

Regular maintenance can enhance the longevity of your AC unit, but an upgrade is a necessity after a certain period of time. A highly efficient HVAC system can increase your energy savings to a great extent. 

3. Strange Noises

New HVAC systems operate relatively quietly, but over time, their components get old and start malfunctioning; hence the units start making noise. 

Minor sounds mean the unit can be fixed by making a few repairs, whereas loud noises mean a lot is damaged inside the unit like the thermostat. So, if your AC unit has been making weird sounds lately, getting the system inspected by hiring HVAC technicians would be the best bet. 

Tips For Saving Money On A New HVAC System

1. Check For Off-Season Discounts

One of the best ways to save money when looking for cooling systems is to shop for them in the off-season because they are sold at relatively low prices. 

The majority of homeowners visit HVAC contractors in spring or fall to get cooling systems for summers and heating systems for winters. Although you may receive a generous discount during these seasons, you can save more money in the off-season when contractors are looking for work. 

2. Review HVAC Company Rebates

Prior to calling companies dealing in HVAC systems, reviewing the rebate (marketing) offers is another way to save money when installing a new air conditioning system. One thing I’d like to bring to your attention is that often company rebates can be clubbed with the incentives offered by the state or local energy companies. 

But remember, these deals only apply to the most expensive HVAC systems sold by a company. Nevertheless, you may be able to obtain a better value by investing in a mid-level AC unit. Of course, much of it depends on your requirements and preferences. 

3. State Or Local Utility Company

Many times, the state or local companies offer tax credit or utility rebates on upgrading to a new HVAC system. That way, you will be able to save a huge chunk of money when getting an HVAC system for your home. 

4. Compare Quotes

The cost of an HVAC system varies from one company to the other– so taking quotes from multiple manufacturing companies will help you in the decision-making process. 

Most people believe that taking quotes from 3 companies is enough. However, I suggest asking a couple more companies if you wish to grab a new air conditioning unit at the best price. 

Although you may be able to get a new unit at an affordable rate, it is a time-consuming procedure. Finding a suitable dealer, at times, may take even a few weeks– so be prepared for that. 

Only people whose air conditioner units don’t need immediate replacement can afford to wait for weeks until they find a deal that fits their budget. 

Also, don’t forget to check warehouse clubs because a few of them offer better discounts if you get an AC system via their partners. In most cases, you can save a huge amount on energy costs by upgrading to a new system because the recent models are energy-efficient. 

5. Screen HVAC Contractors

In order to save money on a new HVAC system, one of the biggest mistakes most homeowners do is only to take price into consideration. What I believe is that price shouldn’t be the sole factor when you’re opting for a new HVAC system. 

Remember, at times, the company offering the best deals may have a lot of unsatisfied customers. 

Reading customer testimonials will help you steer clear from HVAC contractors whose services are unsatisfactory and direct you to those who don’t compromise on quality. As for the installation, always choose an HVAC system installation company that hires licensed HVAC technicians. 

6. Upgrade Heating And Cooling Systems

Obviously, you wouldn’t be needing both heating and cooling systems in the same season. However, replacing your air conditioning unit when installing a heating system and vice versa would be the best bet. 

Two benefits of installing both systems in a single day are: 

  • HVAC systems will be installed with a two-person crew on a single day
  • Manufacturers and finance companies offer special prices

7. Avoid Low Prices Deals

The low-priced deals on heating and cooling systems you receive in your inbox are nothing but marketing gimmicks. Such emails or online advertisements try to lure customers into using an air conditioning unit at a low cost. 

However, the reality is quite the opposite– at times, the equipment advertised or sold at a throwaway price is either less efficient or too small for your space. This is purposely done by HVAC companies to grab your attention. 

Always skim through the fine print and analyze the specifications of the equipment advertised carefully before contacting the company. 


After receiving heating and cooling system estimates, be sure to assess them carefully. Aside from the installation costs, you need to review the warranty, maintenance costs, and how energy-efficient the unit is. 

When reviewing the warranty, check if labor charges are covered or not. Also, make sure to go for HVAC systems that have a high seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER). 

Tips for Saving Money on a New HVAC System Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

HVAC systems, both separate air conditioners or a furnace (central heating), or heat pumps that combine the two systems are a major investment. 

When investing in a new HVAC system, personalization is the key to saving money. New HVAC systems or furnaces will automatically reduce energy costs i.e., help in energy conservation, but you can enjoy these benefits only if you choose the right model. 

To save maximum money, getting an HVAC system in the off-season and reviewing the ongoing rebate offers will prove to be the best bet.