Who Shapes the Campus, Round Table at The Rutgers Club
Event Date: Feb 16, 2023; Event City: Piscataway, NJ, US HLW, Syska and Rutgers invite you to a round table event entitled Who Shapes the Campus, at the Rutgers Club. This discussion explores the variant perspectives among the many decisionmakers at colleges and universities. Across this panel, we will hear from representatives of different institution types. Our nationwide study revealed that according to college and university students across institution types, many academic spaces are underperforming. With demographic shifts on the horizon and post pandemic occupancy changes evolving, how should institutions prioritize their campus investments? Read the full post on Bustler

HLW, Syska and Rutgers invite you to a round table event entitled Who Shapes the Campus, at the Rutgers Club. This discussion explores the variant perspectives among the many decisionmakers at colleges and universities. Across this panel, we will hear from representatives of different institution types. Our nationwide study revealed that according to college and university students across institution types, many academic spaces are underperforming. With demographic shifts on the horizon and post pandemic occupancy changes evolving, how should institutions prioritize their campus investments? Read the full post on Bustler