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Francesc Rifé pairs raw concrete with pink fabric in AS...
Spanish designer Francesc Rifé has created a distinctive interior for a shoe st...
You can now enter landscape projects and infrastructure...
Have you completed a landscape design project or an infrastructure project that...
Powerscroft Road by Daytrip.Studio
Respecting the Victorian charm and features of the original house, Daytrip.Studi...
rhymedesign builds playful nooks and boxes into an apar...
inspired by gulliver's travels and alice’s adventures in wonderland, the design ...
Tips for Architects Working At Home During COVID-19
The outbreak of COVID-19 has caused an estimated 900 million people around the w...
Spotlight: Peter Behrens
If asked to name buildings by German architect and designer Peter Behrens (14 Ap...
UR House / Semiotic Arsitek
UR House is a house for couples with their two children in Ampera, surrounded by...
Call for Submissions: German Design Awards 2021
Design, branding and innovation are the most important factors in the success of...
"As long as you have attitude, you don't have to be tal...
Designer Tom Dixon describes how a motorcycle crash forced him to abandon a car...
1+1>2 architects employs local materials and labor to b...
over 4000 dried leaves were collected by the local community to build the large ...
Beach Hotel: Room 1 / Sivak+Partners Studio
This room is the first part of a large hotel project, which I started to design ...
Minimod Curucaca / MAPA
MINIMOD is an exploration of the experience of landscape and technology. It pres...
Shironishi House / Tomoaki Uno Architects
The house was planned on a site near Nagoya Castle. Clients' main requests were ...
Edge, la nuova terrazza panoramica di New York
14/04/2020 - Lo scorso 11 marzo, poco prima che anche negli Stati Uniti scoppias...
Hide and Seek: stile liberty e suggestioni orientali
14/04/2020 - A Milano, in uno storico palazzo anni Trenta in stile Liberty, l'ar...
Fuyang Upper River Side Urban Experience Area / Landao ...
The project is located in the delta area of Fuyang City, East of Ying River. Sin...
assembledge+ sites its laurel hills residence within a ...
the property offers an isolated and inward-looking atmosphere with a majestic ba...
William Menking, co-founder of The Architect’s Newspape...
William Menking, educator, architectural historian, curator, and co-founder of T...